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Series 2827 - Miniluft Compact

Compact automatic air vent valve for smaller systems, complete with manual locking pawl.

Miniluft valves are automatic, float-operated air vent valves whose function is removing air and gases from heating or cooling systems. Their small size makes them ideal for applications in various types of collectors to be installed in distribution kits housed in containment boxes.
Despite their small size, they are very effective in removing air during both loading and emptying, and have a high venting capacity keeping the various system areas in which they are installed free of air.

By removing air from the system, unnecessary breakdowns and malfunctions can be reduced, helping to:
- Increase heating and cooling efficiency
- Reduce the formation of corrosion in all points of the system
- Reduce extraordinary maintenance work
- Reduce the effects causing system noise
- Lower the cost of system management

Technical Specification

Brass body. Polymer cap unit.
Float in PP.
Stainless steel AISI 302 spring.
Elastomer seals.
Polymer air pocket breaker

Threaded connection M UNI-EN-ISO 228.
Max operating pressure 10 Bar
Max operating discharge pressure 4 Bar
Max operating temperature 115 °C
Allowed fluid water and water+glycol 30 %

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